Turn your passions into professions with Smart career AI
Discover, Be Discovered

Get your FREE Career Assessment
An animation of a crossword puzzle being solved. The crossword has various careers in it such as "Doctor" and "Pilot"
Career Assessment | Lifestyle Assessment | Financial Advisor | University Finder | Career Compare
Great platform to get knowledge about our career perspectives and financial accountability/stability and i would suggest everyone to enroll to this platform to invest more on the career that talks about your passion. For me, it was the transportation industry and the prediction was bang on :) - Taiyaba Uni. Student
A group of students with various branded flavour text overlayed, such as "Gain The Right Skills" and "Unlock Your Intrests"A mockup of the Path To Career platform

The Journey Towards Your Career

Your High School Journey

Unlocking your interests is of monumental importance for selecting electives.
Wouldn’t it be helpful if a simple assessment could guide and help you decide on the electives?
A male student looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "What electives should I choose?"
A male student looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "What are my best career matches?"
A male student looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "The assessment made it so easy!".

For Canadian and International Students

What are the University options that align with your education level?
We help International students find their future career and related education in Canada.
University Finder
A greyscale map of canada with university hotspots highlighted

Your Graduate Journey

Wondering how to re-evaluate your interests and select a Major with confidence?
Explore all careers and unlock your interests using our revolutionary technology, MILE.
A female student looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "Can I narrow down my options?"
A female student looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "Selecting a major was so simple!"
A group of female students looking at a webpage with the thought bubble "I was able to get financial leteracy" and "Now I understand my career options"

Are you a Canadian or International Student?

Understand the Canadian occupation eco-system through our revolutionary discovery platform to unlock your career interest.
Launch Pathfinder
A world map with airplane icons placed on various countries where International Students come to Canada from.  The airplane icons have dotted lines pointing to Canada, which is represented my a Maple Leaf icon. Of course, eh?

Turn your passion into bank!

If you’re not worried about getting into a career and soon after realizing it isn’t for you, then don’t worry about taking our assessment! But we’re almost 100% sure you’ll want to.
Various mockups of the product, with the label "Assists with the transition from student to professional."
Various mockups of the product, with the label "Advisors were super helpful"

Get Access to Financial Advisors

Parents, you can get the financial assistance you need for your children by connecting with one of our qualified financial advisors.
Connect with a Financial Advisor (FA)
A stock photo of a piggy bank
Are you an educational institution interested in a demo?
Book A Demo

Our Mission Is Simple

We believe in nurturing, guiding and elevating all students to achieve their career dream. PathtoCareer: A psychologically assisted & AI-powered digital guidance platform to guide youth from high-school to career with curated, comprehensive and customized information to help them achieve their dream career

Student works'
With our proprietary M.I.L.E Assessment, we engage with students by narrowing down their career pathway and providing them with a mapped out plan for their career journey.
M.I.L.E Assessment
Parents' Support
We help parents plan for their children’s future and support their educational and career growth by providing financial planning advice and 1 on 1 support. That’s right parents, we got you!
Contact Financial Advisors
Trusted Advisors
We work with advisors who help shape and build our next generation. If you’re looking for ways to give back to the community, mentor students, or simply share knowledge - join us!
Connect with Our Team
Our Collaborators
Our visionary partners who help us push boundaries towards democratizing education.

We offer our exclusive services ONLY on this platform.
Let's connect

Supporting Your Growth

A recent study suggests, 95% of students continue to find it challenging in seeking and receiving direction towards career planning.
Another study suggests over 60% of students would change major if they could go back, as the emphasis is more on graduating on time rather than aligning major with ideal career.

Have you wondered about any of these...

Platform with a personalized approach, perhaps algorithms that automatically guide us in the direction that aligns to our interests and what I want to do in life.
Arts Student
An online questionnaire that asks a variety of questions that would point me towards a career path that suits their likes, personality, etc. And it would provide several career ideas.
High-School Student
Easy to use Able to match interests and skills with career Advantages and disadvantages of prospective career clearly defined Updated information available 
Engineering Student
A platform where you could enter your career or academic interests and it would list colleges or universities with programs that support the interests as well as details about the programs. 
Graduated Student
A low stress system that doesn't only emphasize university. Also, assurances that students don't have to enter post secondary school immediately after high school. 
High-School Student

Our Community

Learn from fellow students, advisors, mentors and institutions, and share your work and knowledge with a diverse group of students across the globe.
A collage of students in groups talking about things
Collaborate with fellow students both domestic and international.
A female student concentrating on a laptop
Share ideas and project work to gain perspective and get recognized.
An overhead photograph of a busy business meeting table
Gain industry knowledge and stay ahead using Trends and Tracking.
ⓒ 2024 PathtoCareer
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